It's on again – Grafton Scout Group are having a lamington drive.
Scouts/Cubs/Joeys – This week is it… Remember to have your sheets in with your money so we can place the orders.
The lamingtons are made fresh and are just so yummy. Lamingtons are a great idea for school lunches, morning teas, afternoon teas or deserts. They can be frozen and thawed quickly and conveniently. Orders and money must be returned to Grafton Scout Group by 23/10/2014. Delivery will be soon after 31/10/2014. Lamingtons are packaged in a 6-pack and fit nicely in the freezer (no cream) and all orders must be prepaid.
Pricing $6.50 per half dozen or $10 per dozen.
If you haven't yet been contacted or don't know any of the Grafton Scouts, Cubs or Joey's and would like help us in our fundraising by purchasing either a half dozen or more…
Please call Shirley Kelly (02 66427685 and leave a message), Sue Day (Cubs) on (mobile 0401 574 697) or David and Kirsty Bransdon (mobile: 0477 156 871) to place orders and arrange payments.