Cub Scouts have a lot of fun doing a lot of interesting things! There are games to play, codes and skills to learn, places to see and new friends to meet. Cub Scouts all help each other, and try to help other people too. Each week you’ll get together with other boys and girls your age and be led into adventure! You’ll wear your own Cub Scout uniform to show you’re one of us. And you’ll be able to collect special badges to put on your uniform to show your achievements.
Fun Out and About
Cub Scouts get to see a lot and do a lot. We spend weekends away together camping, fishing and exploring. We go to sports meetings, visit factories, go to the zoo, the museum, or the fire department headquarters. We learn bush-craft, and we learn how to fly model aeroplanes. There’s a lot more Cub Scouts do too. Why not come along and find out?
Fun in a Unit
You’ll find there are around 24 boys and girls in your Cub Scout Unit. All of them are just like you. They all might have different interests and be good at different things, but they all want to enjoy themselves and have fun. Like you, they’ll be learning new things each week and discovering how great it is to be a Cub Scout.
Fun from the Start
At your first Pack meeting you may feel a bit shy to begin with but it won’t take long to get to know everyone. You’ll learn the Scout Salute, the Handshake, the Motto, Opening Ceremonies, can be one of two the Grand Howl (optional or the Unit Opening, Pack Calls (jungle Book) , the Scout Law and the Scout Promise. The leaders will help you. You’ll soon be making friends with the other Cub Scouts and having a terrific time!
Fun in a Patrol
Your Unit will be divided into `Patrols’, so named because each `Patrol’ will have around 6 – 8 people in it. The first badge you’ll put on your uniform is the colour patch of your Patrol.
Fun with your Patrol leader
One of the boys or girls in your group will be your `Patrol Leader’ (a bit like the Captain of your school sports team). You’ll know your Patrol Leader by the badge on their left pocket. The Patrol Leader often has a `Assistant Patrol Leader’ as a helper (a bit like a Vice-Captain) who wears ‘Assistant patrol Leader Badge. You too could eventually wear these badges one day and become a Patrol Leader or Assistant Patrol Leader of your Unit
Fun with your Leaders
Your Cub Scout Leaders are adults who may once have been Cub Scouts themselves! Your Leader is known as `Akela’ (The Wolf – the one who stands alone). Akela’s helpers are sometimes known as ‘Bagheera’ (The Panther – the teacher of hunting) and `Baloo’ (The Bear – the teacher of Jungle Law), ‘Raksha (Mother Wolf), Rama (Water Buffalo), Mao (The Peacock), Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (Mongoose), Jacala (crocodile), Chil (The Kite) or one of the many other names from the famous Rudyard Kipling story “The Jungle Book” which the original Cub Scouts Law’s were/are based upon.
Fun earning Badges
Cub Scouts can earn achievement badges by doing things that interest them and by learning new skills like cycling, electronics, sports, cookery, boating, writing and more. There are also special Milestone Badges earned by doing things like tying knots, first aid, hiking in the bush and building models. There are three levels: Milestones 1, 2 and 3 Badges along with a Peak Award Badge which we know as the Grey Wolf Award.
Fun near You
Cub Scout Packs meet regularly at a place close to you. The Unit Leader would love to see you at the next Unit meeting. The programs in Cub Scouts emphasise exciting and challenging activities based on individual needs.
- Opportunities for interaction in small groups
- A sense of belonging and achievement
- Practise leadership and problem solving skills
- Develop a sense of fair play and justice
- Satisfy curiosity and the need for adventure
- Develop fitness and creative skills
- Provide new experiences and the opportunity to learn by doing
- Provide the opportunity to make choices and decisions
- Provide the opportunity to express and respond to individual spiritual development needs
- All Cub Scout activities are designed to be appropriate to age, development, social competence, family and community circumstances.

Uniform: The Cub Scout Uniform consists of the dark blue shirt with the section colour, which is Yellow, across the sleeve, yoke and collar. Badge Placement: Badge Placement for Cub Uniform(click to view – pdf)
Things To Do
Cub Scouts have an amazing capacity to learn and have great fun. They have tremendous energy levels, too. The challenge is to deliver an active program that meets the needs of a demanding generation.
Unit Activities
Trained Leaders and Assistants, all volunteer their time to run Cub Scout units.
Weekly meetings – fun, adventure, exploration, excitement and imagination. Outdoor adventure – at age appropriate levels Cub Scouts are introduced to activities such as rock climbing, abseiling, camping under canvas and bushwalking.
- Themed programs and fancy dress days – The Jungle Book, explorers, space and more.
- Cub Pack holidays – Get away for some fun and adventure with your Cub Pack
- Region Fun Day – An exciting day of activities, making friends, and having a great time with other Cub Scouts from within your Region
- Cuboree – a state-wide overnight camp where Cub Scouts from around the State can meet.
- Family adventures – the whole family is encouraged to get involved with Cub Scout activities like canoeing, bike riding and family camps.
Scout Promise and Law
A Cub Scout is loyal and obedient. A Cub Scout does not give into themselves.
The Cub Scout Motto is Do Your Best.