JOEY SCOUTS – 5 TO 8 YEARS – Your first jump into Scouting
Joey Scouts is the first Section of Scouts, for boys and girls aged 6 – 8. The emphasis is on fun and friendship and a gentle introduction to a world of challenges and adventures through Scouting. A trained Joey Scout Leader guides a Joey Unit of up to 20 boys and girls as they learn to share and care for each other in a social environment. It’s more than school as it extends each child’s understanding of the world around them.
Joey Scouts learn how to recognise native birds and animals and develop an understanding of the impact of our modern world on the environment. Joey Scouts are encouraged to express themselves creatively, through games, stories and craft activities. Building monsters and spaceships from scrap items, growing plants from seedlings or singing songs together all develop a strong sense of belonging.
Joey Scouts are taught to jump in and help other people and to share with their friends. They wear a special scarf and t-shirt so everyone knows they are Joey Scouts. They enjoy visits to special places such as the local fire station or the zoo and visitors to their meetings create more excitement. Joey Scouts usually meet once a week, in the local Scout Hall or a community hall.
The Joey Scouts Leader, who undertakes training, may be a parent of one of the Joey Scouts and will have an assistant leader.
Uniform: The Joey Scout Uniform consists of the dark blue shirt with the section colour, which is Tan, across the sleeve, yoke and collar. Badge Placement: Joey Uniform Badge Placement(click to view – pdf)
Things To Do
Joey Scouts do lots of fun stuff – play games, sing songs, make craft from scrap materials, grow plants from seedlings, make friends and go on outings. They learn the Joey Scout Promise, Law and Motto which are a great introduction to the principles of Scouting.
Mob activities
Trained Leaders and Assistants volunteer their time to run Joey Scout Mobs. Activities include:
- Weekly meetings – action and quiet activities, including ball and running games, craft sessions and outings.
- Joey Scout Fun Day – a themed day of fun activities for all the Joey Scout Mobs in your Region
- Themed sleepovers – An overnight activity at your local Scout Hall
- Family adventures – the whole family is encouraged to get involved with Joey Scout activities like canoeing, bike riding and family camps.
Scout Promise and Law

A Joey Scout cares. A Joey Scout shares.
The Joey Scout Motto is HOP- Help Other People